How to Maximize Space in an Apartment

Finding creative ways to maximize space in your apartment may seem challenging, but Stonegate Living is here to help! We have plenty of tips and tricks to help give your apartment more space, no matter the layout. From incorporating multi-functional furniture to using vertical space, these solutions can help you make the most of your living space. Read more to learn about our space-saving ideas. 

Be Creative

Having a spacious apartment is great, but you have to be creative with your storage. Using floating shelves is an effective way to save space and can be used as home decor. For one-bedroom apartments that don’t have as much space, you can create wall racks for shoe storage, keys, and kitchen appliances.

Furniture Matters

To maximize space in your apartment, consider the type of furniture you have and how certain placements may make your two-bedroom apartment look smaller. To give the illusion of a spacious apartment, consider placing your furniture against the walls. This prevents roadblocks in the floor plan.

Hang Curtains

One of the simplest ways to create more space in an apartment is to hang curtain rods and curtains. Not only do curtains provide privacy, but they can also be used to section off different areas of your one-bedroom apartment, giving the illusion of more space.


Ultimately, if someone is seeking to have a more spacious apartment, they need to declutter and get organized. Taking the time to declutter and organize your space regularly is important to maintaining the illusion of space. Get rid of any items that you don’t need or use and invest in organizers and storage containers to keep everything neat and tidy.

Stonegate Living wants each person to get the most out of their apartment. By following our creative solutions to maximizing space, you will make any one-bedroom or two-bedroom apartment feel more spacious. Check out our floor plans today and see which luxury apartments are for rent!

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